Android ndk hello world
Android ndk hello world


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  • android ndk hello world

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    Posted in Android Hacks, Software Development Tagged android, app development, c++, java Post navigation Even if you don’t have any problem with the official Android development tools, there’s certainly something to be said for being able to write a “Hello World” that doesn’t clock in at multiple-megabytes. But once it’s installed, you can just call everything from his makefile and never have to interact with it directly. says you’ll still need to have Google’s Android Studio installed, so it’s not as if this is some clean room implementation.


    This rapid development cycle allows you to spend more time on actually getting work done, as you can iterate through versions of your code almost as quickly as if you were running them on your local machine. As demonstrated in the video after the break, is able to compile, upload, and run a C Android program in less than two seconds with a single command. He’s crafted a makefile which can be used to get your own C program up and running in seconds. After collecting information and resources from the deepest and darkest corners of the Internet, he found out that the process actually wasn’t that bad. Looking to get away from all that bloat and overhead, set out to see what it would take to get 100% C code running on an Android device.

    android ndk hello world

    There’s only one problem: you’ve got to do it in Java. As it so happens, Google has made it very easy to develop your own Android software. With built in networking, a battery, and a big touch screen, they could easily take the place of a Raspberry Pi and external display in many applications. Older Android devices can be had for a song, and in many cases are still packing considerable computational power.

    Android ndk hello world